Jace Norman age, bio, contact, net worth, features and ethnicity

 Jace Norman biography

Jace Family bio
√ Jace Features
√ Jace Relationship
√ Jace Profession
√ Jace Net worth and salary
√ Jace contact

Jace Family bio
 Jace Norman was born on the 21st of March 2000 at Corrales, New Mexico in USA making him a white boy or should I say man since he's 20. Ha!.
 He attended public school with his two siblings Glory and Xander Norman.

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 Jace Features
• He is said to be 5 feet and 11¼ inches tall
• Weighs 62kg
• Blonde hair colour
• Single
• He has dark brown eye colour
• Sexual Orientation = Straight

   Jace Relationship
 Jace dated Isabella who's an actress, model and a singer from April 2016 to November 2016, there was also a rumor that Jace was dating Jordyn Jones from November 2015 to January 2016. He also dated Riele Downs from February to June 2015.

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  Jace Norman Profession
• Jace Norman seems so perfect in acting field. He started since 2012 acting a professional role as Jessie in Disney Channel titled Jessie Show. He has always wanted to be an actor since when he was eight and the best part is that his family had always supported him. He was able to land his role at his very first audition. Lucky he.
•  With his great performance there, he attracted lots of producer and was able to act the role of Henry Hart in Henry Danger which was scheduled to be published 2017.
•  Jace also appeared as Henry Hart in Game Shakers 2018 and as Jeremy Martin in Blurt.
•  He also appeared as Bixler high private eye as Xander.

  Jace Norman Net Worth
 Jace salary ranges from $150k-1million and his net worth is about $3 million from his TV shows to his YouTube channel.

  Jace Contact

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